Saturday, February 14, 2009

LOVE POURED OUT (Alabaster Box)

*HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY! Today's devotion comes with a song. Please click the link below so you can listen! Blessings!

Today’s Gospel is so chock full of GOOD NEWS I don’t know where to start! I have been meditating on this Word since yesterday and it has been filling my heart with overflowing love! All I can say through my tears of joy is, “How wonderful is my Jesus!”

First of all, after two days of talking about how serious leprosy was to the Jewish community and how ritualized was the process of excluding them from the camp until they were well; how shocking it is to find that the first sentence of today’s Gospel says, “Now, while Jesus was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper…” My goodness! Now there are many reasons I—and other theologians—can imagine that Jesus was in that house. We will never know if Simon was healed, or if “leper” was a nickname, or if Jesus was simply once again breaking social custom to love somebody into the arms of God. But, what we can know is that it is extraordinarily important to Jesus that we touch the untouchable, reach the unreachable, and love the unlovable following the example of Christ!

But, once we grasp that GOOD NEWS lesson there is another equally important lesson to be learned from the woman with the alabaster box. This woman had a precious and expensive gift. Rather than hording it to herself, she shared it with Jesus. She gave him the best of what she had. After her sacrifice the disciples murmured and complained saying what they would have done differently with the gift. But, Jesus stopped them and said that she had done a good thing by so extravagantly worshiping him, that her gift would be accepted by him as anointment for his burial, and that for all time her story would be remembered by the saints.

Today, Jesus’ prophecy comes true. You and I--born almost two thousand years later--affirm the woman's sacrifice and her love for Jesus. We seek to emulate her example and the example of Simon. For there are lots of things that Christians can choose to do for Jesus. Simon chose to serve him by offering the radical hospitality of a good meal in his home. The woman chose to worship him by giving her very best to the lover-of-her-soul. On that day the disciples chose to sit around and complain, second guessing the ministries of others.

Oh! Let us not be like the disciples on that day! Let us celebrate and affirm the good works that others do out of devotion to God and let us find our own work to do for Jesus! See, here’s the GOOD NEWS! There is plenty to do. God has given each of us gifts and talents to be used for God’s glory. In response to the glorious free gift of salvation secured on Calvary’s tree, let us all find a way to offer love, care, devotion, worship, hospitality, and service to God and to God’s children! Ultimately the disciples chose to follow the example of Jesus, Simon, and the woman with the alabaster box and today we bare witness that their labors were not in vain!

Is there a “gift” that you have been hoarding that you can offer to Jesus today?

My Jesus, you are the most precious gift in my life. Help me to utilize my GOD given talents to share GOOD NEWS with others! I want to help people to understand that you love them more than they can imagine and that you proved it on Calvary’s cross. Please forgive me for the times I have complained about the way others have chosen to share GOOD NEWS! I know there is more than enough “work” for all of us. I love you and want others to love you too. In Jesus Name, Amen.


Resumen en Español, proveido por un lector en Chile--Danilo Isla

AMOR REVELADO (Feliz día de San Valentin!)

Mateo 26:6-13
Jesús visita la casa de una persona leprosa.

El evangelio de hoy está lleno de BUENAS NUEVAS, no sé de donde comenzar! Primero que todo, ¿No es maravilloso que Jesús haya senado con Simón, el leproso? Esta verdad nos recuerda que es extraordinariamente importante para Jesus que toquemos a los "intocables", alcanzar al inalcanzable, y amar al que no es amado siguiendo el ejemplo de Cristo! En segundo lugar, la mujer de la caja de alabastro nos enseña una importante lección. Nos enseña que es vitalmente importante que le demos a Jesús lo mejor de lo que tenemos. Dios nos ha dado a cada uno de nosotros dones y talentos para que sean usados para la Gloria de Dios. En respuesta al glorioso libre don de la seguridad de salvación en el madero del calvario. Todos vamos a encontrar una manera de ofrecer amor, atención, devoción, culto, hospitalidad y servicio a Dios y a los hijos de Dios en el nombre de Jesús!

¿Hay un don que has estado escondiendo que puedes ofrecer a Jesús hoy?

Mi Jesús, eres el más precioso regalo en mi vida. Ayudame a utilizar mis talentos dados por Dios, para comartir las BUENAS NUEVAS con los otros. Quiero ayudarle a la gente a entender que les amas más de lo que ellos imaginan y que lo provaste en la cruz del Calvario. Por favor perdoname por las veces en que me he quejado por la forma en que otros han optado compartir las BUENAS NUEVAS! Sé que hay más que suficiente "trabajo" para todos nosotros. Te amo y quiero que los otros también te amen. En el nombre de Jesús, Amen.

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