Acts 7:54-8:1a (NRSV)
The Son at God's right hand
When they heard these things, they became enraged and ground their teeth at Stephen. But filled with the Holy Spirit, he gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus standing at the right hand of God. "Look," he said, "I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!" But they covered their ears, and with a loud shout all rushed together against him. Then they dragged him out of the city and began to stone him; and the witnesses laid their coats at the feet of a young man named Saul. While they were stoning Stephen, he prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then he knelt down and cried out in a loud voice, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." When he had said this, he died. And Saul approved of their killing him.
Today I am struck by the radical love and forgiveness that Stephen displayed even as his enemies were stoning him to death!
Although most of us have not been “literally” stoned by our adversaries, we have been “stoned” by the words, thoughts, and deeds of others.
Whether we have been lied on, gossiped about, or cheated upon the treachery of others hurts. It causes us pain when people make fun of us because of our faith, try to get us in trouble at work, or turn our friends against us.
There are lots of ways that people “stone” others, wounding their bodies, minds, or spirits! But, there is a lesson to be learned from Stephen and from all others who have chosen non-violent resistance, radical love, and forgiveness in the face of an attack from a human enemy.
Although Stephen died a martyr for his faith, his witness lives on in our Holy Bible and in the life and work of one of his greatest enemies—Saul.
We never know how our commitment to Jesus and our willingness to love and forgive others, no matter what the cost, will impact God’s Kingdom.
Saul—later called the Apostle Paul—was present when Stephen was murdered. We just don’t know how that incident impacted Paul’s mind, heart, spirit, and ministry. It would not surprise me at all if Stephen’s selfless sacrifice came to mind as Paul practiced his ministry, often under great stress and strain. Isn’t it a wonderful testimony that Stephen’s life flowed on in the lives and hearts of those who bore witness to his great faith?
As someone who has counseled victims of domestic violence and abuse I understand that sometimes it is very important to love and forgive a person at a safe distance because they are dangerous to your mind, body, and/or spirit.
But, love and forgive we must! When we allow hatred and unforgiveness to fester in our bodies, minds, and spirits, it destroys us! We become mean, bitter, and untrusting individuals. My Mama always told me, "Acid corrodes the vessle!" In other words when we hold nastiness inside, we only hurt ourselves!
This is not God’s best will for our lives! God showed forth the perfect example of how to love and forgive our enemies when Love gave Jesus to die on the cross to save us from our sin and gift us with eternal life. As Jesus breathed his last breaths he said, “Father forgive them; they know not what they do.”
Jesus did not give his enemies what they deserved! Instead he gave them mercy—offering to them the love and forgiveness that they needed in order to be reconciled with God.
Radical love and forgiveness is the example that God set forth for us in Jesus. Let us follow God’s example in faith.
Is there someone in need of radical love and forgiveness from you today? If so, let’s pray:
Merciful Lord, thank you that you teach me how to love and forgive. By following the example of Jesus, the burden of a bitter and unforgiving heart will be lifted off of me. Please help me to be radical in the expression of love and forgiveness toward my enemies. Please forgive me of my own sin and fill me with the Holy Spirit. I love you and I promise to share our love with others. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.
If you have questions about how to become a friend and follower of Jesus, please see the devotion entitled, “Come to Jesus” @
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