Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Always Right On Time!


Michael and All Angels
Daniel 10:10-14; 12;1-3 (NRSV)

But then a hand touched me and roused me to my hands and knees. He said to me, "Daniel, greatly beloved, pay attention to the words that I am going to speak to you. Stand on your feet, for I have now been sent to you." So while he was speaking this word to me, I stood up trembling. He said to me, "Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words. But the prince of the kingdom of Persia opposed me twenty-one days. So Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, and I left him there with the prince of the kingdom of Persia, and have come to help you understand what is to happen to your people at the end of days. For there is a further vision for those days."

"At that time Michael, the great prince, the protector of your people, shall arise. There shall be a time of anguish, such as has never occurred since nations first came into existence. But at that time your people shall be delivered, everyone who is found written in the book. Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.


Today I am comforted by the words,
"Do not fear, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words."

This word of encouragement by the angel sent to Daniel is a vivid reminder that from the moment we start praying, God's answer is on the way!

Sometimes, it feels as if God's hand is slow to save. We worry and fret that God hasn't heard us or is refusing to answer.

But, today's scripture reminds us that there are sometimes spiritual things going on that we can not hope to understand and there are sometimes obstacles that we are not aware of.

But, do not fret! God has overcome the world by the blood of the Lamb!

The old folks in the church I grew up in used to say, "God may not come when you want Him, but he's always right on time!"

This is most certainly true my friends!

God is so wonderful; God does not ignore us when we pray. God is always sending an answer. But, we must be patient to receive it AND we must be willing to accept the answer even if it is not the one we were hoping for!

Let me remind all of us that God is not obligated to answer "YES" to every single one of our prayers; that would be irresponsible!

I am willing to confess that more than once I have prayed stupid, greedy, ignorant, and/or ridiculously mean prayers...

I am so glad that God said, "NO" or "WAIT."

Our God knows all things and has a good plan in mind for each of us! As we pray, let us trust that God's good plan will be manifested in God's answer. And let us take heart in knowing that God's timing is always perfect and God's plan is always flawless.

We know that this is true because Love allowed Jesus to die on the cross to make atonement for our sin and gift us with eternal life! This truth secures our "happily ever after" for eternity, thus, we can trust God in all things!

At all times, our God is good; Be at peace dear ones. God loves you.

Let us pray:

Good and Gracious Lord, I am waiting on you to answer my prayer. I have been worrying and fretting, but today I relax into your Amazing Grace! I trust that my answer is on the way. And I know that you will be right on time. Please forgive me for my fear and fill me with your Spirit, that I might be at peace. I pray this in Jesus' Name, Amen.


If you have questions about how to become a friend and follower of Jesus, please see the devotion entitled, “Come to Jesus” @

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